Rafting Tips for Experienced Rafters

White Water River Rafting is a passion for some people and it keeps driving them towards it. River rapids become their friends and the level of difficulties challenge these experienced Rafters. Rishikesh has two main rafting points that holds the interest of expert Rafters i.e. Marine Drive and Kaudiyala. Marine Drive Rafting Stretch includes Grade 3- 4 River Ganga rapids i.e. ‘Cross Fire’, ‘The Wall’, ‘Roller Coaster’, ‘Golf Course’ etc. The water flow here is quite powerful; passage is narrow and contains serious obstacles. Kaudiyala Rafting Stretch is a step over Marine Drive and includes Grade 4-5 River Rapids like ‘Hilton’ or ‘Terminator’, which are even more violent and difficult.

Rafters need to have prior sailing experience and physical stamina to raft along these exciting river rapids. Even experienced rafters must heed the following points before starting their adventurous expedition:

- Physical fitness and adequate experience of Rafting
- Ability to swim and well aware of high siding techniques.
- Knowledge and capability to scout the raft along high grade rapids.
- Equipped with superior quality rafting gear.

Last but not the least, it is important to take note of Rafting experts’ instructions and guidelines on River Rafting on advanced level rapids.

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